Saturday, June 18, 2011

Transvision Vamp.....Baby!!!.....

All good, survived 24hrs in Bathurst....and barely had to resort to any Jack Bauer-esqe water boarding to get the information I needed. Big irony thing.....The person who wants me to move to bathurst for her own reasons, has trouble putting two words together around me, making me feel like an unwanted guest....and the woman who has a million reasons for me not to move is the one telling me I should....with a caveat or three of course.....That I move for myself, not that old misguided Joan of Arc "Don't worry, I brought my own cross/pire" thing.....That I work through my issues with bathurst with Life Coach (yes....a shrink).....That I tell people she is coming with me.....Already started on the last one....Long talk with "The Daddy", he was fine with it and said something to the effect of the heart knows what the heart wants (but in a less twee way).... Told an old friend, she was ecstatically happy for me, she has recently embraced sanity and a good man again, and was very supportive and understood why, in fact she is the first person to put it into words for me, so I can say .....I like who I am when I am with her, she loves me, we have passion and support and security..... and that cant be a bad thing.

I often said in my younger is possible to talk in only 1980's pop lyrics.....I may get there one day...

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