Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lapin Vs Wild......

Hard rubbish day in the mountains, and I went hunting.....It really is the quick and the dead out there. I am competing for my quarry with men in Utes, and mothers in mini buses... There is something satisfy about spotting a vintage leather couch waiting beside the road and sneaking up on it. Almost as satisfying as the horrified looks of the people in the house, as I pulled out a pocket knife and skinned their discarded couch as they watched....if the had a problem with me doing that they chose not to come down and tell me. The deed was done and I left with my prize pelt.....

A horribly busy day....Forgotten school bags....Trips back to school...food shopping...and a quick trawl of the op shops and back to collect kids.... only had time for a super quick coffee, and a very quick sketch....Bit of a wink to Dexter.....A Victorian Ice Truck Killer...

Apart from roadside finds the only op-shop bargain of the day was a 1950's Bathroom Scale made in Ireland.....I saw one of these in crappy condition in an antique shop last week for $150.....this one was $4....and is in great shape, all chrome and black with the most amazing magnifying glass lens...and is very acurate.....All good, and I will get at least $10 for the modern set in the bathroom, that these will replace....

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