Monday, July 18, 2011

I can't see on a pupil free day....

Three and a bit weeks of school holidays has not be that productive on the work side.....and for the school to have a pupil free day on the Monday of the first week back is quite frankly, taking the piss!!! The fact that my eldest is ill, and did a wonderful exorcist impersonation in vomit last night didn't help....Why that boy needs to run past buckets and bathrooms to let me know he is vomiting is beyond me....I guess I should be grateful he kept it contained to two rooms and the hall last night. Though my organisational skills must be improving....I had his bed stripped, and him....everything in the washing machine and floor mopped in no time and he is looking much less green today. So hopefully he is better for the first day of school tomorrow.

So fingers crossed and knock on wood and etc. I might get something done this week.....assuming the drama clouds, that seem to be lurking clear up. I am thinking i need a kick start to get back into a picture a day for the rest of the week is the plan.....they don't have to be fancy just something everyday to post here and get myself back in the swing of it.

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