Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Step one....

My first step in learning to tattoo......Hmmm......I could seek out an apprenticeship. I have been told this is in fact the only method recommended by tattooists, no surprise there. I have also been informed that any apprenticeship would not involve any actual tattooing for quite along time. According to the people I have spoken to what it does involve is a lot of cleaning and menial tasks with just enough information being drip feed to keep you hanging around and working for free. I am not good at indentured servitude. So what now? How about the Internet? Surely it must contain the sum of all knowledge in this department? Well yes and no, it contains a lot of information, some good, some bad and some just downright ridiculess. So the Internet provided me with some knowledge, but what it couldn't give me was the confidence to actually get started, at least not in the traditional way...

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